
Ready to master your Whole Body Reset?

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What is the whole body reset?

I want to help bring your body and mind back into balance. I want to help you hit “reset” on your your mid-life metabolism and show you the simple habits that can make healthy living easy. How? With my 7-week course: The Whole Body Reset.

For more than 30 years I’ve had a front-row seat to every changing health and fitness trend out there. I’ve seen extreme diets, gimmicks, and cleanses fall by the wayside as people are waking up and realizing they don’t want short-term diets or solutions–they want long-term strategies to be healthy. Through my experience I’ve learned the practical, no-nonsense strategies to losing weight and getting healthy that actually work in the real world.

And now I want to share what I’ve learned with you. In this 7-week course which I’ll be mediating, I’ll share with you the science-backed ways to change your body and mind for good—without the use of expensive diet programs or crazy-making detoxes.

If you are ready to starting working with you mid-life metabolism instead of fighting against it, enroll in the Whole Body Reset!

This Whole Body Reset Will Help You Transform The Three Pillars Necessary For Long-Term Health

 Your mindset, meals and movement.

Whether you want to lose the last of the baby-weight, ditch the menopausal muffin top, or just learn how to be strong and healthy for years to come, this course will help you hit “reset” on the way you’re thinking, eating, and moving—and put you on the path to long-term fitness and health.

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WHAT is included

7 Modules of Video Lessons

Each module has with 3-5 lessons, that teach you how to make long-lasting, sustainable healthy changes. 

Lifetime Access

Want to go back and rewatch something you didn’t understand? Need another boost of motivation to keep going? You have lifetime access to all the content involved in this Whole Body Reset, meaning you can re-watch anything, any time.

Downloads and Worksheets

The course materials you need to put your lessons into practice.

30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee  

We only want happy customers! We stand behind the Whole Body Reset and know you’ll love it too. If for some reason you are not satisfied, let us know and we’ll refund your money back.

A private Facebook group 

Created exclusively for Whole Body Resetters, you can connect with other women embarking on the same journey you are and get motivation, support and encouragement along the way. We’ll cheer each other on and motivate one another to push through personal roadblocks and challenges that may come up.

A sample meal plan, recipe books and nutrition calculators

Get a realistic example of what a healthy eating meal plan can look like with delicious and good-for-you recipes. Plus, learn how to calculate your macronutrients ratios with our comprehensive nutrition calculators.

Weekly email updates to make sure you don’t miss a thing!

Between the emails and the Facebook group, I’m going to be with you the each step of the way. I get emails on a daily basis asking for coaching and advice; this is your chance for us to work together!


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“Chris Freytag puts her extensive knowledge into informative, easy-to-follow videos. The part that helped me the most was the way that the information was presented. It was like having Chris as my personal coach, cheering me on. I love that I can always go back and watch the videos again whenever I need a refresher!  The mindset module was powerful and eye-opening…I feel privileged to have experienced it.”


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“I am so glad I participated in Whole Body Reset! This course has truly changed my life! I’m done with limiting calories, carbs; you name it, I’ve tried it! This course taught me to see myself as a whole being, and helped me reset my body, mind, and soul – and I now know how to achieve my true whole self! Thank Chris for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! Truly a game changer!”


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“The Whole Body Reset was a real inspiration for me! I found my biggest hurdle was in the mental part of the program. I was able to implement many of ideas Chris Freytag gave. After that I almost immediately got past my plateau and have lost 10 pounds!  This course gives you the knowledge to implement those things into your daily life and make it your lifestyle rather than a quick fix.  Being a part of this program was one of the best health decisions I made for myself!”


This is not a quick fix

This is not a quick-fix solution or a diet. It’s an intense course filled with proven strategies to change your lifestyle for the long-haul. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be transformative.

And remember: you can do this course on your time frame. If you have a busy week, you can pick up again the following week. You simply can’t fall behind because you have lifetime access to the Whole Body Reset! It’s up to you.


Q: Is The Whole Body Reset Right For Me?

A: Think of it this way: what have you already tried that hasn’t worked? Whether it’s losing those last few pounds and actually keeping them off, eating nutritious meals that keep your body healthy, or approaching health and fitness with a balanced, well-adjusted perspective, if you haven’t been able to achieve these goals yet, maybe what you’re doing to try and achieve them just isn’t working. In other words, it’s not you, it’s your approach! I want to give you my approach—the one I’ve honed after a quarter of a century in the fitness and health space. I’ve trained thousands of women just like you on how to change their thoughts, approach eating in an intuitive, well-balanced way, and do workouts that give them real results!

Q: How Do I Access This Course?

A: After you sign up, you’ll be sent a welcome email with instructions on how to login to the course website where you’ll be able to view all the videos, download your worksheets (yes, there will be homework!) and more. View on your computer, tablet or smartphone.  You’ll also get a link to join our private Facebook group. My team and I will also be standing by to offer customer support whenever you need!

Q: Do I Have Enough Time For The Whole Body Reset?

A: If you’re feeling like you don’t have time to embark on this journey, let me ask you this: do you have time to stay stuck where you are right now? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Scared? It’s okay to feel all of those things, but come along with me as we break down the mental barriers holding you back and work through those difficult emotions to find the happy, healthy, well-balanced you on the other side of this work.

Meet Chris!

I’m a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer, and health coach with more than 30 years of experience helping middle-aged women get fit, eat clean, and create healthy habits they can keep up for a lifetime. I’m the author of seven books and have created dozens of fitness DVDs in addition to creating Get Healthy U and Get Healthy U TV: my streaming membership service where you can workout with me at anytime, from any device.

Above all, I believe that you can change your body and your mind at any age. But I’m also a realist, and that’s why this course only contains practical, science-backed information that I’ve seen actually work for my clients.

I’m 58 years old. I’ve been through the changing hormones and I know what works long term. I have women who have been following me for 20+ years with phenomenal results. Whether it’s losing the menopause weight, getting that glow back in their skin, or radiating self-confidence again – the results speak loud and clear. I’ll let them tell you more about that…

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“Because of the education Chris Freytag and her team provide on health, diet and modifications I am currently in the best shape of my life (48 years)…more than 6 years later, I’m still exercising with Chris. She continues to evolve and keep her advice relevant yet practical.”

– Samantha

“Chris makes workouts fun and for the first time in my life I have consistently stuck to fitness which in turn has helped with me embracing good nutrition and that is benefiting my entire family. I feel stronger at 47 than I have my entire life.”

– Nelly

“Thank you Chris Freytag for your positive attitude and infectious motivation. You are honest and relatable and no other fitness instructor has been able to connect with me like this, so, thank you Chris, for changing my life in such an amazing way!”

– Whitney


Module 1: Mindset

Mindset Transformation

All physical change begins in the mind. If you don’t start by understanding your deep-rooted issues and motivations for your existing behavior, you’ll never be successful. Your Whole Body Reset starts with a Mindset Makeover; get ready to reframe your thinking.

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to connect to deeper reasons for getting healthy than simply weight loss
  • How to rid yourself of body shame and learn how to love yourself
  • How to break down the barriers standing in the way of your healthy life
  • How to change two factors affecting your weight that have nothing to do with diet and exercise
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Module 2: Mindset

Mindset Shift

Your mindset affects your total body health. After taking some time to get honest with yourself, set goals and connect to your why in the last module, we’ll cover how positive self-talk, self-discipline, and mindfulness can affect your food and fitness choices moving forward.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The power of positive self-talk in setting you up for success
  • Techniques to increase your self-discipline without feeling deprived
  • How to stop the mind game of roller-coaster dieting for good
  • How mindfulness and meditation can prevent you from making unhealthy choices

Module 3: Meals

Making Friends With Food

There are so many messages about food and nutrition that confuse us; learn how to ditch diets and fads for good and learn the tried-and-true information about your health that can help reset your body.

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to EDIT your daily food choices, not DIET
  • The technique of “Intuitive Eating” and how it can change your relationship to food forever
  • What types of foods you should be eating and how you can cut through all the noise of what’s out there
  • The correct portion sizes for different foods to avoid over-eating
  • How to stop emotional and binge eating for good
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Module 4: Meals

Nutrition 101

It’s a personal cop-out when people say “I don’t want to learn about nutrition, just tell me exactly what to eat.” You have to understand the nutrition basics so you can make lifelong changes. When you understand food, you’ll eat better, cook better and feel better.  

In this module you will learn:

  • How hidden, excess sugars are contributing to your weight gain
  • The nitty gritty of macronutrients and micronutrients and the recommended ratio of both  
  • How your gut health affects your whole body health—and what to do to keep your gut working properly
  • Whether or not special diets like vegetarianism, gluten free, and other options are right for you and what supplements to take

Module 5: Meals

Your Healthy Eating Game Plan

This is where we put it all together to create your eating plan for life. This is your food roadmap to success with tangible strategies and instruction.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The most practical advice for weight loss success and for everyday eating including meal prepping and grocery shopping strategies
  • How to maximize your workouts with the rights foods to fuel and aid in recovery
  • Why juicing and blending are good options to get your nutrient needs
  • The best strategies for eating out while maintaining your healthy eating plan          
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Module 6: Movement

The Fat Loss Equation

Movement is key for fat loss and better overall physical health. Get in touch with what your body needs and why.  Add years to your life – really!

In this module, you will learn:

  • The ins and outs of body composition and how muscle and fat affects your metabolism
  • Why cardiovascular exercise matters
  • How to bust through your biggest excuses and the secret to weight loss results
  • How to tackle the big M – motivation!
  • How to work with fluctuating hormones and menopausal setbacks

Module 7: Movement

Your Exercise Game Plan

It’s not about what you do once, it’s about what you do consistently over time. It’s time to create a realistic fitness plan that caters to your lifestyle, your goals and keeps you focused.

In this module, you will learn:

  • What intensity and progression mean for fitness
  • The magic to planning effective workouts that work for you
  • How to incorporate flexibility and mind body training
  • Recovery strategies to keep you motivated
  • Your final game plan execution


Women like you who are ready to embrace a healthy lifestyle once and for all.

“I loved this course. We covered topics that are often difficult to dig into, but so worth it. WE are worth it!”


“All the knowledge I got from this course is so empowering. I feel like I have the ability and tools to really refine what I eat and how I move. The whole community feel around the Whole Body Reset course was amazing. I think anyone who does this course will learn new skills, and most importantly change their habits.”


“What a great, empowering course!”


“Get ready to reset your mindset because everything starts with that. As you say, ‘knowledge is power’ and what we do with that knowledge has the potential to change our lives in a positive way. This course was a turning point for me.”


“I found this whole course inspiring and supportive and it makes me realize it doesn’t matter how old you are or where you are in life, it is so important to keep working on ourselves.”


30% off, $345 or 3 payments of $115
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you’re protected with our 100% risk-free money back guarantee

The Whole Body Reset comes with a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. I pride myself on high quality programs that actually work…if you put the work in. Meaning, if you do participate, good things happen. If within 30 days, you are unhappy for whatever reason just email our customer support and you will receive a full refund.

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